Create a world of your own, and dance in the rhythm of your heartbeat! Don't let others takeover your world!
Never regret anything because at one time that was exactly what you wanted, Just learn from it, and make a better choice!

Friday, June 13, 2008

make happiness to happen...

You don't have to wait for something great to happen to be happy. You don't need a reason. All you need is to make a decision that's what you want to be and every day. As I said, what you focus on expands.

If you're watching something funny and laughing are you feeling stressed or at that moment feeling happy.

Check this out. For just a moment, close your eyes sit up straight, relax your shoulders, open your arms wide as if you're going to hug someone, take a deep breath and smile. How do you feel? Have a feeling of lightness, energy!

Now, hunch your shoulders, make your hands into fists, take some short quick breaths and frown. How does it feel to do this? Feel your energy draining?

All you did was make a decision! You can do this every day. Over the years, I've often heard from people, well when I have........ ......... ..I'll be happy, if I could do.......... ........I would be happy. And as I told them, no you wouldn't. It might make you more comfortable however it would not necessarily make you feel happier.

Happiness is something we create from the inside and can occur whatever your situation. People who are penniless and homeless can be happy if that's what they decide or you can have all the material things in the world, money, cars, clothes and homes and still be unhappy. I know from the latter that it's true. I had most of the material things 25 years ago and I still wasn't happy.

Now I set an intention each day that no matter what, I'm going to have a happy day. I encourage you to do this for atleast one week. See if you feel lighter at the weeks end and then continue doing the same. Laugh each day, enjoy everything around you and be very grateful that you have the life you are living. You see, it really is all about a state of mind.

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