Create a world of your own, and dance in the rhythm of your heartbeat! Don't let others takeover your world!
Never regret anything because at one time that was exactly what you wanted, Just learn from it, and make a better choice!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

US: Take Action to Stop Violence Against Women

Migran women in Indonesia. © 2006 Susan Meiselas/Magnun Photos
Every day, millions of women and girls across the world are beaten and abused. They are someone’s mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends. Many are abused in their homes by members of their family or community. Others are raped or harassed by the very security forces that are meant to protect them. Some victims of gender-based violence are employed outside their homes, some are not. Some are rich, some are poor. Some are literate, some are not. They have only one thing in common: they are female, and they are abused because of it.
The International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) is a major step in the effort to end violence against women and girls across the globe. It directs the U.S. government to create a comprehensive, 5-year strategy to reduce violence in 10-20 diverse countries identified as having severe levels of violence against women. Ask your Senator to co-sponsor this bill today!



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