Create a world of your own, and dance in the rhythm of your heartbeat! Don't let others takeover your world!
Never regret anything because at one time that was exactly what you wanted, Just learn from it, and make a better choice!

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Positive Attitude Is The Key To a Better Life

Surely you`ve known someone in your life with a negative attitude and so you know what that means. People don`t want to be around such a person, whose negativity affects his job, his relationships with people around him at work, as well as his social interactions.

What if you are a person like this? What if you have a negative outlook, and it is spilling over into various aspects of your life? Even if your job performance has been suffering, or if people are no longer welcoming your company, you do not need to live with these consequences - because you do not need to hold onto the attitude which has caused them!

Your world will change when you have a positive attitudfe! Soon after you have begun to apply this principle, you will see this for yourself!

A negative attitude will dampen your spirits and hold you down; a positive attitude will help bring you back up. Negativity will keep you focused on everything that is wrong, everything that has ever been wrong; but a positive attitude will bring your focus to everything that is right and better. The very best way to look at the subject, though, is to remind yourself that while a negative attitude will limit you, a positive attitude will go a long way in getting rid of those limits. If you think about how much a negative attitude has limited you, this in itself should be a great motivating factor!

Most people do not like to acknowledge that they are limiting themselves and their prospects with their own attitudes and behavior. When you start to replace the "cannot" with "can," you will see how much power there is in your own attitude! You will feel that you have more potential, as well as the ability to reach your potential ` while the only thing that has actually changed is your own attitude! Goal-setting and making plans will become much easier, and you will find that you can accomplish much more than you had previously thought you could!

When you take on a new, positive attitude, you will experience wonderful results with other people. When you change your attitude people will notice and interact with you instead of shying away from the person you were before - a constant complainer who rarely had anything positive to say.

A positive attitude will work wonders in how you feel about yourself, also. You will find a new appreciation of yourself and your life once you stop looking for what`s wrong with you. You will find that you like your life more than you did before ` and that you like yourself better, too!

If you are not yet convinced, perhaps you would like to give it a try! When some of these former negative feelings, ideas or thoughts creep back into your conscience mind, push them away and replace them with positive, uplifting and good thoughts, feelings and ideas. It will not be long before you experience results - Andrea

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