RESPECT! A great word, but does it still have the same power which it used to have... Over the years respect has become yet another word to preach, but how about following it? From home till classroom, and than towards professionals, have made this word extinct from their vocab.
Notice the next time when people are talking to each other, do u notice the power of respect in them?
Do we respect a elderly person from our heart? E.g, an old granny staying at home, how many times lets say in a week we have spoken to her politely without answering back..."wait am busy", "granny you are bothering me with your demands"... How many times a visitor came at your door and you happily went in the kitchen forget about preparing a meal, did you serve a cuppa tea with a smile from heart?
Respest is simply being polite to on another, which is reflected with your words, actions and deed. Hope we save yet another word from being dis-respected!

Do we respect a elderly person from our heart? E.g, an old granny staying at home, how many times lets say in a week we have spoken to her politely without answering back..."wait am busy", "granny you are bothering me with your demands"... How many times a visitor came at your door and you happily went in the kitchen forget about preparing a meal, did you serve a cuppa tea with a smile from heart?
Respest is simply being polite to on another, which is reflected with your words, actions and deed. Hope we save yet another word from being dis-respected!